9.2 Lifestyle Chemistry: Surfactant and Colloid Cleaning Products

Properties of emulsions

      Emulsions allow oily substances and water to be applied to a surface at the same time
      The two phases (oil and water) are mixed together using an emulsifier.
      Emulsifiers are described using a 1-20 scale called the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB)
      The lower the HLB, the more less water in the resulting emulsion

Properties of emulsions:

      Purpose of emulsions Surfactants can emulsify grease into water and can also make water more alkaline which can neutralise acids.

First hand investigations

      Write experiments to compare different emulsions based on:
a)     Feeling
b)    pH
c)     Conductivity

First hand investigation

Aim: To determine the effect of surfactants on water drops
2 x pipette droppers
2 x measuring cylinder
500mL dishwashing liquid
2L tap water
2 x 250mL beakers

1.     Pour about 200mL of water into one beaker
2.     In the other beaker, mix 200mL water with 20mL of dishwashing liquid (the exact amounts are not important at this stage)
3.     Using one pipette, put 200 drops of tap water in one measuring cylinder.  Record the volume.
4.     Using the other pipette, put 200 drops of the detergent mixture in the other measuring cylinder.  Record the volume.
5.     Repeat steps 3 – 4 five times and average results.



What trend was observe?
Explain this trend.


Did you answer the aim?
What is the trend of your results?

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