9.2 Lifestyle Chemistry: Human Digestive System


       Identify the parts of the digestive system
       Outline the role of the stomach and the small intestine in breaking down food
       Discuss the difference in pH of the stomach and the small intestine

Role of the stomach

       Storage of food
       Conversion of food by gastric juice into a soft semi-fluid mass which is released into the duodenum for transfer to the small intestine
       Protein digestion.  Gastric juice contains enzymes which start breaking down proteins.  Hydrochloric acid keeps the stomach at the best pH for these enzymes.
       Not much food is absorbed into the body in the stomach
       A small amount of water is absorbed
       Some fat-soluble substances are absorbed

Role of the small intestine

       Completing the breakdown of food using:
      Digestive juices from the pancreas
      Bile form the liver (emulsify fats)
      Enzymes from the wall of the intestine (proteins converted to amino acids)
      Carbohydrates converted to glucose
       Most water is digested in the duodenum and small intestine

pH in the digestive system

       HCl makes the stomach much more acidic than the small intestine
       Pancreatic juice is alkaline.  This neutralises the HCl and generates the ideal pH for the enzymes in the small intestine

Review of Objectives

       Identify the parts of the digestive system
       Outline the role of the stomach and the small intestine in breaking down food
       Discuss the difference in pH of the stomach and the small intestine

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